Joker Wallpaper on your phone screen. You just select which image you like and then you just turn it into wallpaper on your mobile phone.
?? Simple, Fast and light:
- We focuses on simplicity of the app, which gives great performance. It is battery efficient.
Please check all screenshoots of "Joker Wallpaper" app given below to know how your device will look like. U’ll definitely love to have this app on your device. Share it with your friends. Enjoy the App and please rate us.
• Setting background as Wallpaper:
- You can set wallpaper as home or lock screen in just one click. save some times !
• Favorites:
- All your favorite backgrounds are placed under one tab.
• Share & Set As:
- You can easily share ultra hd backgrounds or everyday wallpapers with anyone with just one click. Set wallpapers to your desktop as well with one click.
• Save:
- You can save any 4K HD wallpapers you want.
Features of "Joker wallpaper" app:
- Customize the wallpaper to fit your screen.
- All wallpapers in full HD quality.
- You can preview the image on your device first.
- Easy to set wallpapers.
- No need to download wallpapers.
- 我们专注于应用程序的简单性,提供了出色的性能。它具有电池效率。
请检查下面给出的“Joker Wallpaper”应用程序的所有屏幕截图,以了解您的设备的外观。你肯定会喜欢在你的设备上安装这个应用程序。与你的朋友分享。享受应用程序,请给我们评分。
- 只需单击一下,即可将壁纸设置为主页或锁定屏幕。节省一些时间!
- 所有您喜欢的背景都放在一个标签下。
- 您只需点击一下即可轻松与任何人分享超高清背景或日常壁纸。只需点击一下,壁纸就可以设置到您的桌面。
• 救:
- 您可以保存任何你想要的4K高清壁纸。
- 自定义壁纸以适合您的屏幕。
- 全高清品质的所有壁纸。
- 您可以先在设备上预览图像。
- 轻松设置壁纸。
- 无需下载壁纸。